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What is Teeny Reading Seeds?

Teeny Reading Seeds is a comprehensive collection of very informative and supportive resources for adults (teachers and parents) and children. The resources and guidance are based around the alphabet letters - the 26 lower case letters and the 26 capital letters - linked to the smallest sounds (phonemes) that we can identify in English speech.

The Teeny Reading Seeds programme is an early phonics programme as it also provides the information and the resources to teach the three core skills (and the sub-skills) required for sounding out and blending for reading, segmenting spoken words for spelling (which means, identifying the sounds all through the spoken words in order to allot letters for the sounds), and handwriting all the letter shapes correctly.

Teeny Reading Seeds is NOT a systematic, full phonics programme. There is no special 'order' for introducing the letter-sound correspondences. Simple suggestions are provided to show how the letters and sounds can be linked to anything topical such as early years themes like 'People who help us' or 'Keeping healthy' and also children's literature, rhymes and language play. This means the resources are ideal for nursery and pre-school settings where the adults are simply 'sowing the seeds' of early literacy and yet not complicating the beginning of a more systematic approach which should be a feature of every infant or beginners' classroom where English is taught as a main or additional language.

The Teeny Reading Seeds programme can be used before starting a systematic synthetic phonics programme - or alongside the beginnings of a full sytematic synthetic phonics programme such as the Early Years Starter Package.

The rationale of Teeny Reading Seeds includes no expectations of what individual children will learn and achieve. There is 'no pressure'. The adult is simply building on children's wider experiences such as daily exposure to environmental print in the community and language and literature provided in the home.

It is noticeable in this high-tech era that children are likely to spend considerable time watching or playing on technological and interactive games which 'switch off' when the activity is over. It is paper-based resources and activities, however, which are most fit-for-purpose and most likely to support children's multi-sensory learning in the foundational skills of reading, spelling, drawing and handwriting.

Whilst Teeny Reading Seeds is based around the alphabet letters and links with their sounds, the teacher or parent can still teach and model any phonics as appropriate in an 'incidental' way. It may be fine, for example, to point out letter groups which are seen all around or in the children's own names. See the posters below for an easy way to introduce any phonics (further letter/s-sound correspondences of the 'alphabetic code') at any time - and see to select your preferred Alphabet and to select and/or view your preferred Alphabetic Code Chart:

It's easy to teach alphabetic code and the phonics skills when you know how!

You can print these posters (click the images for the printable PDFs) if you need a reminder for pointing out the code in your children's names and other words.

It's interesting and exciting to explain reading and writing in terms of 'A CODE'. The English alphabetic code, however, is particularly complicated and nowadays teachers are expected to teach it in a systematic and thorough way.

The Teeny Reading Seeds programme can get children off to a really good start!

Further Information:  

Click HERE to view the 20 page Information Booklet which tells you all about:

What is Teeny Reading Seeds?

Raising awareness of the three core phonics skills

Linking letters, sounds, language-play, literature and topics

Masses of chatter, books, play and life experience (take a look at the 'Simple View of Reading')

A good starting point for making links between letters and sounds

The Teeny Reading Seeds mnemonic systems (aids to memory)

What Teeny Reading Seeds is not...

Words everywhere - incidental teaching of the alphabetic code and phonics skills

The three complexities of the English Alphabetic Code

Oral blending and oral segmenting develop 'phonemic awareness'

What if the teenies are learning so quickly and easily that they seem ready for a more systematic approach to the alphabetic code and the three core phonics skills?

Should Teeny Reading Seeds be used before the Early Years Starter Package or the full Phonics International programme?

Where can I find a comprehensive version of the English alphabetic code and further information about the code?

Where can I find additional resources to teach the Alphabet and handwriting when the time is right?

What resources are included in Teeny Reading Seeds?

TRS Book Cover

How to purchase a Teeny Reading Seeds Annual Licence:

The cost of the Teeny Reading Seeds Annual Licence is currently only £25 plus VAT for individual parents for home-use and £60 plus VAT for institutional pre-schools and school settings.

Please note that it is significantly less expensive to buy a substantial programme as ‘virtual’ resources (some of which can be viewed online and some of which can be printed) than to buy hard-copy books with the equivalent bank of resources to photocopy.

Click HERE to purchase the one-year licence for SCHOOLS to access to the Teeny Reading Seeds resources as shown in the Information Booklet above.

Click HERE to purchase the one-year licence for HOME/PARENTS to access to the Teeny Reading Seeds resources as shown in the Information Booklet above.

Please note that you receive no hard-copy resources as the programme is provided online as pdfs and audio-visual resources. You will be provided with login details to access the resources when you have purchased your licence.


*All prices subject to VAT where applicable
© Debbie Hepplewhite and Phonics International Limited 2007 - 2013