What is the Early Years Starter Package?

The is a fully comprehensive SYSTEMATIC SYNTHETIC PHONICS programme for early years and beginners written by Debbie Hepplewhite. It is a package of online, downloadable resources (pdfs) with some online audio-visual resources to enable users to ‘hear the sounds’ of the English language.

The is suitable for use in homes for parents to teach or provide additional phonics support for their children. It is suitable as an infants’ phonics programme in pre-schools and schools. It is also suitable for tutoring purposes - to provide systematic teaching of the English alphabetic code and ample practice of reading, spelling and handwriting.

The can be used to supplement, or complement, other systematic synthetic phonics programmes and resources – providing structured teaching and learning opportunities for learners who require additional practice and support in school or at home.

The is purchased via a one-year licence system (see ‘how to purchase’) as part of
the full Phonics International programme. Phonics International is a much more extensive programme as it introduces further alphabetic code and develops into a sustained phonics spelling programme for older learners.

Further Information:  

Click HERE to view the 16 page Information Booklet which tells you all about systematic
synthetic phonics and the

What is it?

Who is it for?

What resources are included?


Demonstrating the power of synthetic phonics teaching with the Phonics International EYSP Logo


How to purchase the EYSP logo licence:

The licence is no longer availabe as a 'stand-alone' programme. It has been absorbed into the full Phonics International online programme and resources, priced at only £33 plus VAT for a 12 month single-user licence, or £99 for a 12 month multi-user licence. Click HERE for ordering information.

Please note that you receive no hard-copy resources as the full programme and resources are provided online as pdfs and audio-visual resources. You will be provided with login details to access the resources when you have purchased your licence.

We recommend that you print those materials in the which are designed specifically for learners to complete - i.e., the multi-skills EARLY YEARS STARTER ACTIVITY SHEETS and the SIMPLE SENTENCES.

Please note that it is significantly less expensive to buy a substantial programme as ‘virtual’ resources (some of which can be viewed online and some of which can be printed) than to buy hard-copy books with the equivalent bank of resources to photocopy.

*All prices subject to VAT where applicable
© Debbie Hepplewhite and Phonics International Limited 2007 - 2017